06 June 2010

The Gaza War Flotilla and Israel's 'Hasbara'

06 June 2010

The Gaza War Flotilla and Israel's 'Hasbara'

One Step Forward and Two Steps Back

The deluge of international anti-Israel hysteria at the killing of the nine 'activists' aboard the Mavi Marmara by Israeli forces once again demonstrates how automatic the reflex has become that Israel is in the wrong. Once again we had an exhibition of how it is considered completely legitimate to savage Israel with any arguments no matter how ignorant or fanciful. But it was just as easy to despair at the feeble and inept way that Israeli spokesmen responded. 

We are now used to the abysmal story that the intelligence behind our military preparations for the flotilla were hopelessly inadequate. So it was probably small wonder that Israel's hasbara preparations (explaining, propaganda, public relations) were no better. This is not easy to understand or forgive. After all, the arrival of the supposed humanitarian flotilla had been trumpeted well in advance. And Israel is famous for its cutting edge intelligence that is the envy of the world?

Yet watching rampaging interviewers on UK television accuse Israel of 'piracy' in 'international waters' pass with scarcely any counter-attack or serious challenge from the Israeli spokesman added self-made insult to injury.

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